Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day Ten

After visiting Phelps Lake in Grand Teton National Park the night before, I decided we had to return for the morning light and one last sunrise shoot. We were up chasing the light again at 4:00 am. On our drive we were treated with a partial lunar eclipse as the moon set over the Snake River Range. When we arrived at our destination we were the only car in the lot. The sky was just beginning to brighten up as we began the mile and a half hike to the lake shore. I encouraged the students to keep chatter going, which was never really a problem, so that we would avoid spooking any unsuspecting animals.

At the lake, the sun was just starting to color the highest peaks of the mountains and there was a perfect hourglass reflection of the Tetons and Death Canyon. After shooting for an hour or so, a big dark storm front appeared over the mountains. We could hear thunder off in the distance, and I suggested we pack up our gear and head for the van as soon as possible. The storm moved in at a rapid pace, and it started raining. Thunder echoed off the mountains and seemed to surround us. Fortunately, the rain stopped after a few minutes. John and a few students were still packing up at the lake when the sun peaked through a break in the sky. They were treated with a double rainbow and some dramatic light. Over breakfast at Norah's Fish Creek Inn, the students were trying to describe what they had witnessed. Some of them said they actually cried at the unbelievable beauty of the sight.

Back in town, we spent over six straight hours in the studio as the students finalized images for their final portfolios and made a few prints of their favorites. We had a great group dinner at Rendezvous Bistro and then headed up to Curtis Canyon Overlook above the National Elk Refuge for a spectacular view of the valley at sunset. It was a clear, calm evening and there were several parasailers circling the skies. As dusk set in, we headed back to the lights of town. We hung out on our front porch laughing with students about our adventures over the past ten days as the full moon rose over Snow King Mountain. It was a fitting end to another amazing workshop.

1 comment:

  1. The hike to Phelps Lake. The beauty of sunrise on Phelps Lake. Breakfast at Nora's. You're killin' me , man. What a terrific way to start and end an even better Jackson workshop, 2010. All this beauty, activity, animal life and interest never gets old; and it always seems there's more to do, see and experience. Sounds like the students got excellent photographic field experience and education, not to mention huge life-long memories and perhaps friends. Congratulations !
